MongoDB and PHP by Steve Francia

MongoDB & PHP

The book «PHP and MongoDB by Steve Francia» presents the document-oriented database MongoDB and its relationship with the PHP language, is also a very good introduction to non-relational databases, focusing on the causes that gave rise to MongoDB, as well as the gaps found in the ORM’s and the relational databases when you need to work with objects in an efficient and robust way.

The author introduce us to MongoDB in a clear and simple way, describing its objectives, components, features and philosophy; then he focuses on the relationship between MongoDB and PHP, from that moment, the book changes its structure to become a user guide showing how to install and configure the database and the environment to work with MongoDB through PHP.

He presents each MongoDB feature, from the most basic aspects to the advanced features with PHP code samples, which are explained in detail and finally highlights some PHP libraries and tools that can help us to develop applications using MongoDB.

I want emphasize the fact that the author is a member of the team that developed MongoDB, for me it is highly relevant.
My overall evaluation is good, although I had read other documentation on NoSQL databases, I found this book very well explained and I think MongoDB is an excellent gateway to the world of non-relational databases.
People who intend to read this book must have knowledge of PHP and object-oriented programming in order to take full advantage from it.

Finally, I must say that after finishing the book I was pleasantly surprised with the features and possibilities of MongoDB, since its implementation in PHP is relatively easy to achieve so I can start testing its functionality almost immediately.

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Juan Benitez

Fundador de Licenciado en Informática, desarrollador Web, Android y PHP. Apasionado de las tecnologías y el fútbol. Reparto mis días programando, creando sitios, apps o escribiendo en @Tecnopedianet... y sí, además tengo esposa y una hija ;)

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